Saturday 8 December 2007

Conchords save viewers' sanity

Ah, for originality on the television. Chance would be a fine thing, which is why there's a glimmer of hope having Flight of the Conchords still up and going on Prime (Monday, 10pm).

It's not rating through the roof, but what do you expect when it has to follow the beyond-contempt comedy Welcome to Paradise.

By the way, did you see the show's director Geoff Murphy's cameo appearance at the end of the last episode dressed up as some sort of Irish cultural figure dancing in a crowd scene?

Apparently there's a very strong possibility that this stinko show could actually get a second season. They're kidding, surely?

On Flight of the Conchords Murray, Bret and Jemaine's band manager, had decided to add a bongo drummer with a penchant for solos to the duo and make it a threesome.

The lads were not impressed and fell out and split up, with Jemaine getting Dimitri on his keytar to join his "band" and Bret soldiering on with the odious bongoist.

There was an extremely endearing moment when Murray and the lads were bickering about the makeup of the band, when Murray suddenly noticed they were standing in front of a map of New Zealand.

"Look, we shouldn't be arguing in front of the map. It's not right," Murray tsked tsked, herding the party away from the background of the sacred cartography.

In a cruel twist of muso fate, Dimitri and Todd ride off into the sunset to become overnight recording sensations and even Mel, The Conchords' odious stalker, defects to the new boys on the block.

With discord in The Conchords it was a little skimpy on the song offerings and fans had to content themselves with Bret doing gauche knock-offs of 80s dance routines instead. He ain't no Flashdancer but the effort put into constructing a geekish dance routine that went on for some minutes would have been just as tricky as trying to look like a professional.

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