Saturday 13 August 2011

Printing in Nelson

Printing in Nelson

It is with sadness and a degree of anger that I noted the decision of Fairfax Media to withdraw the printing press from Blenheim and relocate it to Nelson, from where our daily paper will originate. What a short-sighted decision that is, which ignores the loss of jobs here in Blenheim but also the number of occasions, especially during winter, when the highway between Nelson and Blenheim is closed due to slips, floods or traffic accidents.

The presses here are not old and, while perhaps not trouble-free, seem to cope with not only Blenheim needs but also from other communities, which suggests they are a viable entity.

Older people may recall the battle which took place to enable Marlborough to get free of the restraining hand of Nelson, but I see the proposed move as a retrograde step back and, longer term, can foresee our paper becoming a Marlborough edition of the Nelson Mail.

I would ask the management of Fairfax Media to carefully review its decision and leave us to enjoy our daily paper, printed in Blenheim and utilising local employees.

BILL COX, Blenheim
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Marlborough Express general manager Vanessa Watson replies:

Thank you for your concerns, Bill. We have no intention of becoming a sub-section of the Nelson Mail. The 50 remaining staff of the Marlborough Express remain committed to providing a news and advertising service in this region, a commitment that is supported by Fairfax Media.

The merging of the print plant is an economic one. The machinery needs to be operating for as many hours as possible to provide the best possible return on investment.

In this prolonged downturn, combining the print plants is the best option to future-proof both titles. Many other local industries have had to face the same challenges, and have product manufactured outside the district.

We look forward to the continued support from our readers and advertisers as we move through this transition in November.

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